My assault has also been covered by Al Akhbar

L’Orient Le Jour:

The Samir Kassir Foundation:

And even an Italian news site:

Not to mention influential social media outlets like Blog Baladi

Read my original post that started it all here.

So much appreciation for all my media/blogging colleagues and friends who have supported me as well as the thousands of others that tweeted, liked and shared. If it wasn’t for them, this story would have never gotten the exposure above.  

UPDATE: There has also been coverage by France 24

  1. Sorry to hear about that deplorable incident Habib but heartened by your customary indomitable tenacity and by the support and coverage you’ve received.
    That site might be private property (which still doesn’t justify the way you were treated) but our patrimony isn’t.
    May I suggest that in such precarious situations you email (to yourself) any pictures you take as soon you take them?
    -Renato Obeid

  2. Thanks Renato. Unfortunately the time between taking the pictures and being jumped by the men on site was only a few minutes. Considering that our current connection rates and that they were watching me like a hawk, I don’t know if anything could have been done.

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