Nabih Berri has been speaker of Lebanon’s parliament for over 20 years. Finally, he’s getting some recognition.
The folks at Take Back Parliament have put together the website “Nabih Berri Forever” to elect the former militia leader to the Guinness Book of World Records. They have apparently actually submitted the application. 
The site also has this neat, real-time count-down clock— or should I say count-up? 
Unlike the fierce battles over biggest hummus or tabouli plate, Lebanon may have this one in the bag simply because there are so few remaining Arab leaders with decades-long careers to compete. 
In fact Berri rose to power well before he took office in 1992. He had become the leader of Amal–one of the most powerful militias during the civil war, in 1980. I’m pretty sure he still maintains that position today as well. 
Laughter and cynicism aside, one question a lot Lebanese may be asking is: Are there no term limits within political parties or within the national Parliament? 
Perhaps those leading this campaign can eventually channel its energy into a national conversation on term limits and their implications. 
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