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Let’s face it, the Lebanese are dealing with probably every problem known to civilization at this point from lack of water, electricity, garbage collection, war, terrorism, sectarianism, corruption, etc.

And now we need to add lions and tigers to the list.

Except they are not a threat to us, we are the threat to them. Big cats are being horribly mistreated, both in private homes and animal concentration camps known as local zoos.

The good news is some people are fighting hard for change and implementing that change. Animals Lebanon is now working with the ministry of agriculture to criminalize the mistreatment and private ownership of big cats, which had actually been widespread with a major black market. One man reportedly owns a lion and drugs him every day to be able to put him in his convertible and cruise the streets to show him off.

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Lions on sale in Beirut. source: Animals Lebanon

Through its intense lobbying work, Animals Lebanon now has the right to seize these animals (with police assistance), treat them and find better homes for them. Learn more about their campaign in the video below and how you can help report abuses and support their work.

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1 comment
  1. I watched today a video in the news about Lebanon Zoo, I will past the link for your viewing.

    I was shocked to see the status of the Zoo and the starving lions and tigers.

    I know that Lebanon going through hard economical crisis, I was searching the internet for more information and if anyone cared about those animals, I found your site, the article is made in 2016 about the Lebanese Zoo, I posted it on my Facebook hoping someone step up and help those poor Animals.
    Thank you for your insight and wonderful report, hope that they will be action to help them.

    Nada H

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