Forget the Lamborghini, come by yacht and “Get Low” with Flo.
MTV has just published my piece on the latest innovation in Beirut nightlife with Flo Rida (above), Ke$ha, Fat Joe and Eve all performing to a select crowd of “A class” clubbers at Pier 7.

But private gigs are the rage among elites worldwide, even with high-level officials in Iran. See my full piece at MTV Iggy for more details.

(This photo will make more sense when you read the article.)
  1. This article was outstanding, Habib! I wish I’d known about it when I was writing the blog post about the Times article the other day. Yours drips with humorous outrage and irony, and is a perfect example of what responsible reporting looks like, instead of what we too often see, the equivalent of a pat on the head for the country’s richest, least socially conscious citizens. Must check your blog regularly!

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