A video montage featuring the head of General Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim was airing on LBC sister network LDC this afternoon.

The occasion is the 68th anniversary of General Security a couple of days ago and media outlets like LBC are apparently offering up their airwaves for the body’s in-house promotional material.

General Ibrahim features prominently in the spot, which runs for about 10 minutes and is subtitled in English, unlike most army propaganda clips.

Appointed in 2011, Ibrahim has racked up a number of awards according to the clip, including honors bestowed by Australia:




International investigative bodies:

Even the church:

 Local universities:

Ibrahim has also handed out a few medals himself, to his predecessors:

Including Jamil Sayyed, who was once imprisoned in the assassination of Rafik Hariri, but those charges have since been dropped.

General Ibrahim is also seen visiting the troops on Christmas and New Year’s eve:

And speaking out against the conditions of the GS holding cell, which I’ve never actually seen before:

General Ibrahim believes in actions not words:

Loyalty and public service:

Sacrifice for the greater good:

And even a bit of transcendentalism:

I got curious to read more about the general and amazingly, his CV is available online— which is more than we can say about most Lebanese officials.

Recently there has been news of the GA’s new resolve to fight terrorism with the slogan “General security for everyone.”

With more unsolved terrorist attacks than you can shake a stick at, let’s hope this is a promise the general and General Security can deliver beyond the press kit.

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