A huge dig is underway on Sidani street in Hamra, next to Marrouche restaurant. As seen above, the project is primary and secondary school funded by a Kuwaiti government agency.

I wonder how many Lebanese schools are funded by foreign governments and what does this say about the state if it cannot even build schools without assistance from abroad?

  1. Well, the foreign development agencies don’t give money outright for a project.. They simply offer financial instruments for the government to borrow money at low rates (and a longish payback time). So technically the Lebanese tax payer is still paying for the school, but we are paying a lower interest on financing it..

  2. …it says those Lebanese who can afford to are not being made to pay more in taxes, because most of those who have money to spare also weild a disproportionate amount of political power… we the people should know, we gave them that power over us when so many of us gave up our votes so cheaply… so you end up with a government funded by the poorest most hard working people in society… most of that money goes to pay the interest on the public debt, most of which is held by local banks, most of those are owned by the richest people in the country who pay way too little in taxes… call me crazy but it sounds to me like a good excuse for a revolution!

  3. Interesting Mustapha, but if you zoom in on the sign, it clearly says “Funded by Kuwait Fund…” Shouldn’t that say “Financed by” if it’s the case you describe?

    Even then, why can’t local banks finance a project like this? Is it even unusual that a state needs to seek such financing for a basic school project.

    Also the contractor is also a Kuwait company, the “Kuwaiti Engeering Group” to be precise.

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