As the Lebanese Army faces an air attack from Israel, killing three of its soldiers in the most dangerous escalation along the volatile southern border in months–if not years– Lebanon’s MTV has decided the show must go on:

All morning, as Lebanese army tanks smolder after the rocket attacks, tourists scurry and the entire population fears another war, MTV’s sports anchors continued their commentary during the live broadcast of 2010 Lebanese Tennis Cup.

Lebanese love slogans about the country’s uniqueness. Like “the only place where you can ski and swim at the beach in the same day”. How about “Lebanon: where war competes with tennis”? Clearly tennis has won this round. Now that the match has ended, MTV has begun covering the ‘clashes’ in the south.
  1. I don’t know about web/satellite MTV, but local MTV had special programming about the events….

  2. hey! just wanted to let you know that i really enjoy your blog. i hope you don’t mind, but i linked to it on my own:


  3. unfortunately war is such a frequent occurrence in Lebanon I can see people wanting to be distracted by watching tennis especially since nobody thinks that there is something one can do about it.

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