

There’s still time to get tickets to next Saturday’s TEDx event, and as a speaker, fans of this blog will get a 20 percent discount. I have 10 discount codes to give away to the first people who comment below or reach me by social media.

And even if you’re sick of hearing my rants about preserving archeology and heritage sites, there are plenty of interesting speakers this year, doing much needed positive work in Lebanon. I have written about some of these individuals and organizations before including Beirut Green Project, represented by cofounder Dima Boulad:




Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections activist Nabil Hassan:



And the 17-year-old CEO and app developer, Jihad Kawas, whom I interviewed for my recent magazine piece on the Arab tech industry for Aramco World.



Check out the TEDx site for more great speakers including positive innovators such as Beirut Creative Space founder, Sarah Hermez, Sanad founder, Lubna Izzidin, unconventional architect Imad Gemayel as well as musicians such as Karim Khneisser and Ashekman.

Once again, discount codes to the first 10 requests, either in the comments below or by Facebook or Twitter.


  1. It’s looking like a great roster of speakers. Here’s to another great TEDxBeirut conference. Good luck Habib!

  2. Hey Habib,
    I’m looking forward to your talk this weekend!

    Coincidentally, I learned on your website about the Boutros highway and discovered that it is meant to runs a bloc from my apartment. You know, like Mar Mikhael is not noisy enough.

    Cheers, M

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